Wednesday, 23 April 2014


A Night With Curiosity, Acrylic on Canvas, 12' x 12'

This is my War
You may think you have won, but 
don't you know that under these sheets I can create powers?
don't you know that if I build just enough courage 
I can just have a peak at the world outside My sheets?
or even outside My bedroom?
or even maybe just maybe,
My apartment.
Did you know that you haven't beaten me down?
In fact, I've become stronger for having written this.
Declan Danon Acosta
May 21, 2014

CWS Spa Day

Manicures for all!

couraging words...

Jude - Labour of Love

"I choose to not use the pottery wheel to challenge myself by
instead starting with just a block of clay and shaping it with my hands.
The bowl represents the connection between my brother and me"

Rick - Works to Go


"Inspired by the Book of Kells"

Melanie - Cave Art

"The run of the Cougar's life. The many challenges he faced to survive, eat and sleep"

Courtney - Colour Paths

"I never plan where my colour goes. I allow them to create there own patterns."